Čestit Božić i sretna nova 2020. godina by Vlatka i Ivan (Horvath Wolf)

Hvala što ste nas čitali do sada, čitajte nas i sljedeće godine!



Čestit Božić i sretna nova 2020. godina by Vlatka i Ivan (Horvath Wolf)

Hvala što ste nas čitali do sada, čitajte nas i sljedeće godine!



Za kraj godine, prenosimo ovaj Forbesov članak. Posebno izdvajamo:

Share what you know, credit those who share, but verify everything before you do either.

Privacy laws are hard, but don’t take shortcuts.

Read the actual case law, not just the summaries offered by law firms or others. Read the actual legal texts, not just the Wikipedia summary available online. Check that links point to genuine published documents, not just journalists’ articles about those documents. Check the URL of anything you share belongs to official sites publishing formal sources of law. Verify the binding value in the hierarchy of sources of law of what you are sharing. Verify the jurisdictional reach of the source of law you are sharing.

— Chiara Rustici, u članku Embrace These 7 Habits Of Powerful Privacy Leaders

Svim našim čitateljima i onima koji će to tek postati želimo sretnu i uspješnu novu godinu! ?